Failure in Science


Venue: Herrenhausen Palace, Hannover

Dec. 12, 2022
11:00-11:15  Welcome (Volkswagen Foundation)
11:15-11:30Technical break
Theme 1.1. Failure in science vs failure of science
Chair: Matthias Gross
Linsey McGoey (University of Essex): Freedom and Failure
Manu Kapur (ETH Zurich): Failure and Learning
Stuart Firestein (Columbia University in the City of New York, online): Failure as a Portal
14:00-15:45Theme 1.2 Cultures of failure, fear of falling
Chair: Adriana Mica
Marcin Serafin (IFIS – Polish Academy of Sciences): Theorizing Dyads: The Emotional Scaffold of Roderick McKenzie’s and Robert Park’s Failed Collaboration
Roland Zarzycki (Collegium Civitas, Warsaw) and Piotr Alchimowicz (Collegium Civitas, Warsaw): Fear of Failure as a Major Factor in the Decay of the Scientific Method
Bashir Bello ( Federal University Gusau): Failure in Academic Research: Frequenting the Locals and Avoidance of High Impacts Journals by Nigerian Academicians
Dashun Wang (Northern University, online): Quantifying Failure
15:45-16:00Coffee break
16:00-17:45Theme 1.3 Practice of failing
Chair: Mikołaj Pawlak
Cosmina Paul (Ana Aslan International Foundation): How Do We Normalize Failing in R&D and Innovation Funding Programmes?
Shankarjyoti Saikia (University of Delhi, associated with Failure Lab, University of Warsaw): On the Rationality of Calculated Experimentation: Embodying Failures within Conceptualizations and Practices of Medical and Laboratory Sciences in Delhi
Kata Katz (Universität der Künste Berlin) and Mafalda Sandrini (Free University of Berlin): Failing with Intent – Ways of Hacking Academic Life
17:45-18:00Coffee break
18:00-19:00Presentation of the two symposia within Failure Week (Volkswagen Foundation)
19:00__Flying dinner
Dec. 13, 2022
11:15-11:30Coffee break
11:30-13:15THEME 2: Failure and the overcoming of vulnerabilities and neglect in science
Theme 2.1: Measurement, learning and competition
Chair: Mikołaj Pawlak
Xiaodong Lin (Teachers College, Columbia University in the City of New York):  Learning From Failures: Psychological Analysis
Mark Lutter (University of Wuppertal): Who Drops out of Academia? Gender Differences in the Field of German Sociology
Julia Gruhlich (Paderborn University): Academics Aren’t Failing at Science – Science Is Failing Academics. Precarity, Diversity and Care at the Neoliberal University
14:00-15:45Theme 2.2: Failure gap and resistance
Chair: Matthias Gross
Paola de Vivo (University of Naples Federico II): Conventional Thinking and Development. Beliefs, Contradictions, and Ignorance in the Implementation of Public Policies
Adriana Mica (University of Warsaw), Mikołaj Pawlak (University of Warsaw), and Paweł Kubicki (Warsaw School of Economics): Failure as Resource: Failure Living Labs in Science
Mieke Van Houtte (Ghent University): Cultures of Failure Turning into Cultures of Resistance
15:45-16:00Coffee break
16:00-18:00F*** Up Tales in Science, part I (Volkswagen Foundation)
Moderator: Xiaodong Lin (Teachers College, Columbia University in the City of New York) and Stuart Firestein (Columbia University in the City of New York, online)
Walk, meditation, technical break
Dec. 14, 2022
      09:45-11:30THEME 3: Science, failure, and the future
Theme 3.1: The future of failure, the future of science
Chair: Adriana Mica
Gertrude J. Fraser (University of Virginia) and Claire Holman Thompson (author, University of Virginia): Storying Failure, Storying Science in the Life Histories of Women Scientists and Engineers
Michael Borggräfe (Technical University of Berlin), Tobias Lehmann (Technical University of Berlin)and Jochen Gläser (Technical University of Berlin): Forms and Effects of Failure in Science: The Case of Retractions
Martin Hájek (Charles University): Failure Infrastructures in Science: Should We Make Failure More Transparent?
    12:15-14:00Theme 3.2: Children and students: The education of failing
Chair: Matthias Gross
Nadine Wilchess (Mind the Class):  Failure Science Protects School-Systems from Mental and Behavioral Disorders
Carolyn Jackson (Lancaster University): Constructions and Consequences of “Failure” in Higher Education
Marta Petelewicz (Educational Research Institute) and Julita Pieńkosz (Educational Research Institute): Failure and Shortcomings in Previous and Current Educational Experiences of Learners. Trajectories of Adult Students                                                           
14:00-15:00Joint closing
20:00:__Social event/after party after the conference somewhere in the city …