

Adriana Mica

Sociologist, sport & public space activist

Adriana is an assistant professor at the University of Warsaw where she leads the Failure Lab. Her research interests include failure, possibility, ignorance, projectivity, and contingency in policymaking (for more info, click here).


Mikołaj Pawlak

Sociologist, expert policymaking

Mikołaj is an associate professor at the Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialisation, University of Warsaw, where he leads the Chair of Sociology of Norms, Deviance and Social Control. His research interests cover new institutional theory, migration studies, and sociology of knowledge/ignorance (for more info click here).


Paweł Kubicki

Sociologist, expert policymaking

Paweł is an associate professor at the Warsaw School of Economics where he leads the Department of Social Policy. He specializes in public policy analysis, particularly in disability studies, migration studies, and social exclusion, being involved in projects aimed at developing equalizing opportunities for persons with disabilities (for more info click here).


Anna Horolets

sociologist, anthropologist of good life

Anna is an associate professor at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Warsaw. Her research interests include critical discourse analysis, anthropology of tourism and migration, and leisure studies. She currently studies migrants’ imaginaries of the good life (for more info click here).


Daniel Wiśniewski

Passionate about photography for several years. Daniel is a bus driver in the Warsaw Municipal Transport Company. He trains Brazilian jiu-jitsu, boxing, and bike riding. Author of several exhibitions. He is engaged with sports and architecture photography, having received recognition and national awards in Polish competitions of sports photography.